Wheel Stops, Bollards & Signs

In addition to our sealing and lot striping services, Fast Surfaces can add wheel stops, bollards and signs to the parking area of your facility. Reach out to us today to find out more about our services and what we can do to make your lot safer.

Wheel Stops
Installing wheel stops in your parking lot provides a solid barrier that keeps vehicles from jumping onto curbs, and adjoining landscaping.

Installing a set of bollards in front of your facility protects your buildings from inadvertent vehicle crashes that would otherwise cause great damage to buildings, electric boxes, air conditioners, and other valuable items on your property.

We can place multiple signs in your parking area for clarity, including designated parking areas and informing customers where they cannot park. Our signage will help make ADA parking clear and keep your business compliant with regulations.


Wheel Stops, Bollards & Signs