
Tennis is played by millions of people around the world, and it’s a fantastic way to exercise while connecting with friends and family. The game encourages competition, improves reflexes, and can boost your confidence while improving your health. It’s also a way to help unplug and reduce your stress level. The use of a heavy racquet also strengthens your core.

Offering an attractive, properly surfaced tennis court to your residents and visitors is a great way to improve the value and attractiveness of your property.

While pickleball is related to tennis, it gives your body a workout in different ways. More than tennis, pickleball requires a higher level of quick reflexes and hand eye coordination. Pickleball can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and many people who were avid tennis players have picked up pickleball as injury or age has slowed them down.

While all that is needed to play basketball is a basketball and a basket, it’s much more enjoyable on a real, designed for league play court. Basketball can be played by oneself, one-on-one with another person, or with teams, and many types of games are available for differing levels of competition. Whether playing one-on-one or with teams, basketball offers a great cardio workout.

If you’d like to offer multiple options for games and have a limited amount of space, multi-sport courts are the ideal solution. Combine any number of games including tennis and basketball, pickleball and shuffleboard, and any number of other combinations.

Shuffleboard requires a certain set of skills and strategy. While it tends to move slowly, shuffleboard allows interaction with friends in a most inviting way…with a stick in one hand and a drink of choice in the other.

Fitness and force are both needed for this longtime established game, so close control over movements is needed to win. With the right amount of self-control while aiming and throwing bocce balls, one can excel with practiced quality throws. Bocce is also great for interaction with others, and socializing while playing.

Fast Surfaces can provide for your courts’ equipment, including: tennis and pickleball net posts, nets, center straps, practice walls, benches, and canopies. We can also provide basketball poles, backboards, rims and nets, and wax and beads for shuffleboards.

A properly sealed and striped lot can beautify and promote a safe and orderly transition from connected roads into and out of parking lots. Signs, pavement markings, wheel stops and bollards all contribute to the proper use of parking lots from directional arrows to parking stalls.