Mercer County Tennis Court Construction

Fast Surfaces is your reliable and proven choice for Mercer County tennis court construction. We’ve been building and resurfacing tennis courts in South Jersey since 2017, and most of our staff members have over 20 years of experience in the sports courts business. We use top notch equipment and proven techniques for playable and eye-catching court surfaces that last for many years to come for your residents.

The sports courts on your property are part of your overall impression…make sure you’re presenting that impression right! When your tennis court is smooth and the surface has no cracks or weeds, it sends a message that this is a desirable property…and it’s worth the investment.

Your Mercer County Tennis Court Experts

When you reach out to Fast Surfaces for your tennis court construction, we start by consulting with you on what your exact desires are…the court style, color and specifications. We will then design your new court based on official rules and your desires. We take care of all the permits needed in Mercer County, and ensure that your court follows local regulations.

Our professionals work with the best contractors and suppliers to ensure quality in your new or resurfaced tennis court, and we personally oversee each project. Once you see your beautiful new court, we’ll go over everything with you and make sure you are 100% satisfied before we leave. We’re proud of the word of mouth responsible for our customer base, and we want you to say nice things about us when your court is completed!

Get started today on improving the look and value of your property. Reach out to the Mercer County tennis court construction experts at Fast Surfaces today or request a quote here. We look forward to creating a tennis court you and your residents will love!

Want to find out more and see our finished work? Be sure to follow us on Facebook!