Bucks County Tennis Court Construction

Bucks County Tennis Court ConstructionThe professionals at Fast Surfaces are the team to call for your Bucks County tennis court construction. We serve the greater Philadelphia area with tennis court construction, repairs and resurfacing. We’ve been in business since 2017, and our owner Mark Frye has been in the sports court industry for over 20 years. Mark and his team of sports court professionals are completely committed to your 100% satisfaction with your beautiful and solid new court.

Whether you’re a residential property owner, or you are seeking a new tennis court for your municipality or your school, we’ll design a regulation court that is ideal for your needs and location. People love tennis, both for the competitive nature and for the health benefits, and when you have a beautiful court on your property, it does wonders for your curb appeal and property value.

Your Bucks County Court Construction Pros

When you reach out to Fast Surfaces for your new tennis court, we’ll meet with you for a consultation, where we get all the information we need about what you want. We’ll design and build your court to your specifications, including ensuring regulation layout and enough space for playing. We’ll take care of all of the necessary permits you need, sparing you the administrative headaches, and ensure that your court follows local ordinances.

When necessary, we connect with trusted local contractors, and we carefully oversee everything involved in the court construction. Once your new court is completed, we’ll completely review it with you and ensure that you are 100% happy with it, and we answer any questions you have before we leave your property.

Want to know more about why we’re the trusted choice for Bucks County tennis court construction? Contact us today or request an estimate here! We’re looking forward to adding a brand new and beautiful tennis court to your grounds, and adding to your property’s appeal!

For case studies and finished projects, have a look at our Facebook page!